The Air Force Mentor Protégé Program (MPP) assists eligible Small Businesses (protégés) in developing their qualifications and ability to compete for prime contract and subcontract awards by partnering with large businesses (mentors), who provide developmental assistance under individual, project-based agreements to help meet the Air Force mission. A broad range of industries are represented in the AF MPP including: Manufacturing, Information Technology Systems, Engineering/Consulting Services, Environmental Services and Cyber Security.

Program Goals

  • To increase the overall participation of Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs), Women Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs), Historically Underutilized Business Zone Small Businesses (HUBZone SBs) and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs) in government contracts.
  • To increase the capabilities of eligible small businesses so that they may perform significant work on DoD contracts which results in an increase in the overall prime/sub industrial business base.
  • To facilitate the formation or enhancement of long term business relationships in order to develop a stable industrial business base for the Air Force and DoD.


  • Provide developmental assistance and technology transfer to their protégés.
  • Are directly reimbursed for services provided to protégés.


  • A Protégé firm must be a SDB (8a), WOSB, SDVOSB, a qualifying organization employing the severely disabled or a HUBZone small business as defined in section 2302 of title 10, USC; or a small business concern that currently provides goods or services in the private sector that are critical to enhancing the capabilities of the defense supplier base and fulfilling key Department of Defense needs.
  • Establish relationships with major Air Force contractors.
  • Develop necessary business and technical capabilities to perform significant work on Air Force and other Department of Defense (DoD) contracts.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Must be currently performing under at least one active approved subcontracting plan negotiated with DoD or another Federal agency pursuant to FAR 19.702, and be currently eligible for the award of Federal contracts.
  • New Mentor Applications must be submitted to and approved by the DoD OSBP prior to submitting for the program.

Benefits of being a Mentor:

  • Develop long term business relationships with small businesses
  • Develop a high quality subcontracting pool
  • Enhance the technical capability of the firm
  • Pursue new market opportunities as part of a team
  • Issue subcontracts to their Protégé on a non-competitive basis
  • Gain a source selection past performance evaluation factor
  • Receive cost reimbursement or SDB credit

Protégés must be one of the following:

  • A Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
  • A Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB)
  • A Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)
  • A qualified HUBZone Small Business (HUBZone)
  • A qualifying organization employing the severely disabled
  • Or a small business that provides goods or services that enhance the critical capabilities of the DoD.

Benefits of being a Protégé:

  • Technology transfer
  • Engineering and technical training
  • Business infrastructure enhancement
  • Develop long term business relationship with a Prime Contractor
  • Expand subcontracting opportunities
  • Business development and planning training
  • Leverage technical expertise of the Mentor to bid on SB set-aside contracts
  • Improve competitive advantage

Program Design

Mentors and Protégés are solely responsible for finding their counterpart. The Air Force Office of Small Business Programs does not participate in the teaming of Mentors and Protégés. Interested firms are encouraged to explore existing business relationships in an effort to establish a Mentor Protégé relationship. Mentors may have multiple Protégés however Protégés may only have one Mentor. Only Mentors may submit for the program. The agreement with the government is solely with the Mentor.


  • Get approved as a DoD Mentor
  • Find and work with a Protégé suitable for entry into the program
  • Review the Air Force MPP Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) found on Fed Biz Opps
  • Submit a white paper for consideration
  • If approved, submit a three volume proposal

Program History

The Mentor Protégé Program was created as a pilot program (Public Law 101-510) in 1990. The program was created by former Senator Sam Nunn and implemented by former Defense Secretary William Perry.


Support Programs