policy updates

Small Business Professionals

This section of SAF/SB web site is intended primarily for Federal Small Business Professionals, though it does provide information to all who are interested in regulations, Executive Orders, legislation and other policy directives that impact the small business community.

Small Business Contractor Count Metric: FY2024-2027 Initial Guidance
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act Requirements

Tri-Signature Memorandum, Small Business Advocates in DAF PEOs and TEO (21 Feb 2024)
Dual Signature: Achieving Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Goals and Expanding Opportunities for All Small Business (SB) for the Department of the Air Force (DAF)
DAF CM Charter

Achieving SB Goals through Category Management Practices (27 Jan 2023) CM DoD OSBP
Signed SecAF Memorandum on Small Business Contracting
Strategies to Achieve SDB Goal Commitment Memo___signed 21 Jul 22
DoD OSBP Memorandum, Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act Requirements (01 DEC 2017)
Air Force Small Business 4205-01 Waiver Memo from OSD (02 JULY 2018)
Dr LaPlante Ltr SAFAQ - Speed Agility Adaptability - A Focus on SB Competition  Better Buying Power


Federal regulations of interest to small business contractors and subcontractors

Executive Orders

Orders issued by the President directly affecting the small business community as it relates to the federal government, including the Department of Defense. 

  • Executive Order 13985,  “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government”
  • Executive Order 14035,  “Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government”
  • ​Executive Order 14017, "America's Supply Chains."


Statutes enacted by Congress specifically addressing small business interests.

Policy Directives

Policy directives, memorandums of understanding and partnership agreements issued by the Department of Defense and Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

Regional Councils

The Department of Defense Regional Councils for Small Business Education and Advocacy are a nationwide network of Small Business Professionals organized to promote the National Small Business Programs of the United States.


These resources include information on Small Business Set-Aside Programs, marketing to the DoD, the Benefits Analysis Guidebook, Small Business Administration Loan Programs for Military Personnel and information about working with Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs).

The Seven DAF Operational Imperatives

 More information.
